I. ’BODMAS’Rule: This rule depicts the
correct sequence in which the operations are to be executed,so as to find out
the value of a given expression.
Here, ‘B’ stands for ’bracket’ ,’O’for ‘of’ , ‘D’
for’ division’ and ‘M’ for ‘multiplication’, ‘A’ for
‘addition’ and ‘S’ for ‘subtraction’.
Thus, in simplifying an expression, first of all
the brackets must be removed, strictly in the order(), {} and [].
After removing the brackets, we must use the
following operations strictly in the order:
(1)of (2)division (3) multiplication (4)addition
Modulus of a real number : Modulus of a
real number a is defined as
|a| ={a,
if a>0
-a, if a<0
Thus, |5|=5
and |-5|=-(-5)=5.
III. Virnaculum (or bar): When an expression
contains Virnaculum, before applying the ‘BODMAS’ rule, we simplify the
expression under the Virnaculum.