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Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF)

Under This facility RBI helps commercial banks in coming out of their day -to -day liquidity Mismatches.

Repo Rate (currenyt Rate-6.75 %)

It is the rate at which commercial banks barrow funds RBI against their securities, through repurchase agreement under Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF).
ü  Repo means Repurchase Agreement 
ü  Injection of Liquidity into the Banking System by RBI.
ü  Minimum bid size of Repo Transaction is Rs. 5 Crores & in multiple there of.
ü  No Repo Transactions on Saturday.

Reverse Repo Rate(Current Rate-5.75%)

It is the rate at which Commercial banks deposit their funds with RBI(Excess liquidity only)
Reverse Repo means Absorption of liquidity from the banking System by the RBI.

Marginal Standing Facility (MSF)(Current Rate -7.75%)
MSF rate is the rate at which commercial banks can borrow funds from RBI at any point of time except on Saturdays as a last Choice.
--Minimum loan amount is Rs. 1 Cr.
-- Maximum loan amount is 2% NDTL(Net Demand Time Liability).

Base rate (Current Rate-avg 9.5 % (Depending on the bank) )

It is the minimum rate of interest on bank loans below which no bank would lent.
It's also called (Transparent rate) as it is announced in the newspapers and the websites of the bank.
Base rate is fixed by individual banks only.
Base Rate replaced BPLR(Bench- mark Price Lending Rate) system.
Base rate doesn't apply to staff loans.Loans on deposit and DRI(Different Rate Interest loans)

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