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Functioning of RBI

Working of bank is mentioned In the 1934 Reserve Bank of India Ad Working of Reserve Bank of India can be categorized In the following group
Important Functions of the Reserve Bank of India
As a Central Bank

As an Ordinary Bank

Note Issuing Authority

Granting short-term loans

Banker of Government

Recovering ort-wm loans

Bankers Bank

Buying/Selling of bills

Collects and Publishes Banking Data

Accepting depots

Custodian of Foreign Exchange
Buying se4eng of agricultural bills

Provision of Agricultural Credit

Dealing with Foreign securities

Provision of Industrial Credit

Dealing with costly

Training Facilitation

Dealing with banks of other countries

Controller of Credit

Clearing House Function

Development Functions
These functions are country specific functions and can change according to the requirements of that country The RBI has been performing as a promoter of the financial system, since its inception. Some of the major development functions of (he RBI are mentioned below
Development of Agriculture Right from the beginning. Reserve Bank of India has an Agricultural Credit Department. The principal function of this department is to conduct’ research regarding various problems of agricultural credit. Promotion of Industrial Finance Rapid industrial growth requires adequate and timely availability of credit to small, medium and large industry For this, RBI has been instrumental In setting up special financial institutions such as ICICI, IDBI, SIDBI and Exim Bank etc. Reserve Bank provides significant financial assistance for the industrial development of the country.

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