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1. Rajan walks 16 metres towards South, then turns left and walks 5 metres. Then he  
     turns North and walks 7 metres. Again he turns towards right and walks 12 metres.      
     Finally he turns left and walks 9 metres. How far is he from the starting point:
     a) 14 metres         b) 17 metres c) 19 metres d) 18 metres

2. A girl is taken out every morning by his father whose house faces East. They walk 
    200 metres west, then 500 metres in the south direction. In which direction, they 
    should go to reach their house:   
     a) South East         b) North East          c) South West         d) North West

3.  Roads from North, South, West and East meet at a crossing near the railway station. A 
     railway inspector coming from the East finds that the road in front of him leads to a 
     park and the road towards right to the Police Station and neither of them leads to 
     the Railway station. In which direction the Railway inspector should turn to reach the 
    railway  station. 
     a) East                b) South            c) West            d) North

4.  Today morning when I was standing at the bus stop, I saw a Stout man walking on the 
      other side of the road. He was shading of the sunrise with his left hand. His right  
      hand was towards me. In which direction of the fat man I was standing 
      a) West b) East c) North d) South

5.  A Hexagonal complex is connected by two North –South roads and also two East – 
     West roads to its outer corridor. It has one way traffic and every vehicle has to take a 
     right hand side road within the complex. A car enters into the complex from the west
     and takes a turn and again a second turn. In which direction the car must be moving now.
     a) North b) East c) West d) South

6.  Mr. Arjun drives a car straight towards East for 5 kms. Turning towards right it was 
     driven straight for 3 kms. Turning towards West, it was driven for 1 km. How far Mr. 
     Arjun is from the starting point
     a) 1 km b) 3 km c) 5 km d) 6 km

7. A racing car chased a police car for 4 kms towards East on a straight road.  As the 
     police took a right turn, the racing car chased it for 2 kms on another straight road.  
     Again the police took a turn and the racing car stopped with  the police car, after a 
     chase of 2 kms,on another straight road.  In which direction is the racing car from the 
     starting point.
     a)North West b) North East c) South East d) South West

8. Mr. Arjun walks 100 yards straight from his house which is facing north and then walks 
    200 yards in the reverse direction.  Further he takes a left turn and walks 100 yards 
    towardsEast. In which direction is he from the starting point:
    a) North West b) North East c) South East d) South West

Direction for Q.No 9 & 10
   A is 3 kms east of D.                                            C is 2 kms east of H.
   I is 2 kms north of B.                                            E is 2 kms west of I.
   H is 1 km south of A.  
   H and I are 2 kms apart                                         G is 2 kms west of B.
   B is in the south of H.                                            B is 3 kms west of F.

9.  How far is F from H?   (in kilometers)             
        a)  3                     b) 5                          c)  6                    d) 2                       

10.  What is the area of EICH
        a) 5.6 sq.kms      b) 8 sq. kms           c)  9 sq.kms       d) 4 sq.kms

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